The Absurdity of Sex and the Unconscious Mind
Analyzing myself through my own sexual attraction to others. Attempting to ascertain the difference between human, social and animal attraction...hopefully identified the absurdity of 'hardwired' but no longer relevant attractions.
Please contact me if you have a contribution to make
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Reading List
Man and His Symbols (1964) Karl Jung
Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations, and Symbolisms of the Libido, a Contribution to the History of the Evolution of Thought (1916) {C.G.}Karl Jung - reccomended by Mark Sheeky
The Third Eye (1956) Lobsang Rampa - reccomended by Bryn Sutcliffe
Edgar Allan Poen "Fixed Stars" -Poem reccomended by Lindsey Piper
Codex Seraphinianus (1981) Luigi Serafini, reccomended by Lindsey Piper
Artist's List
Austin Osman Spare
EstherTeichmann,reccomended by Ellie Watson
Philipp Dorl, reccomended by Ellie Watson
Diane Arbus, reccomended by Yvonne Jordan Fradley
Egon Schiele, reccomended by Yvonne Jordan Fradley